Tips for Success on the Job

The following tips will help you to be successful at any job.

1. Review personnel policies and make sure you know and follow the employer’s rules.

2. Arrive on time for work. If you’re running late, call.

3. Look for ways a job can be done instead of reasons why it can’t be done.

4. If a project seems too difficult or complicated, break it into several steps. Reward yourself each time you complete a step.

5. Ask yourself whether the work you are doing is getting you where you want to go in life. If not, consider looking for a different position within the same company or moving to a new company.

6. When you leave a company, leave on a positive note.

7. Ask your supervisor to rate your performance every month or two, rather than twice a year. This will give you a clear idea of how you are doing.

8. Never assume it’s okay to swear, even if others do.

9. When your supervisor suggests a change, try it. If it doesn’t work, you can always suggest going back to the old way.

10. Never say anything at work you wouldn’t want your co-workers or supervisor to hear.

11. Don’t borrow money from your co-workers.

12. If you believe you are a victim of sexual, racial, age or religious discrimination or abuse, tell your supervisor. If your supervisor won’t or can’t help you, tell the next person up the line of command.

13. Break down your yearly goals into monthly, weekly and daily goals. Review your goals every day and check that you are making progress toward accomplishing them.

14. Try not to be sick on Fridays or Mondays. No one will believe you.

15. Don’t let things build up. If you have a problem with a co-worker, talk about it and find a solution that works for both of you.

16. Don’t date someone you work with. You can get distracted from your work and, if the relationship ends, it will be especially difficult to deal with.

17. Take notes when your supervisor gives you instructions. Ask your supervisor to slow down and repeat anything that you missed or did not understand.

18. If you don’t have anything to do, find something.

19. Look for ways to save your manager and your company time and money.

20. When you tell your supervisor about a problem, have a few solutions to suggest.

TIPS AND IDEAS FOR SUCCESS IN YOUR PROFESSION brings you Tips on How to be a Star Performer. The Tips and Ideas mentioned in our Sections will surely prove to be a helping hand in your Career Growth. Whether you are into a Business or any Job, these tips will enhance your skills to deal with your work, and people around you. Go ahead. Make the best use of the hard work put in by us. All the information in sections below is exclusively written for by top professionals.


DECISION MAKING: Tips to become a Bold Decision Maker

Decisions are an important part of our professions. From the lowest to the top most level of management, the decision making plays an important role. Decisions in an organization can vary between the normal to critical decisions. Toughest of these are the Critical Decisions because anything wrong with the desired result will put all the blame of the decision maker's shoulders.

So, How to go about Decision making. How to choose between several options, and how to react on a decision that went wrong.

Critical Decisions are surrounded by doubts and worries. It requires a brave decision maker to go ahead with his decision and carry responsibility of it throughout the execution of that decision.

A person competent to handle critical task of decision making is always welcome in organizations. He possesses confidence and finds comfort in dealing with challenges. He can be wrong at times, yet, he has that ability to take calculated risks.

Why Decision Making is Tough:

- Critical Decisions are irreversible, and thats why they are called 'critical'. Once a decision is taken, you are bound to be either praised or blamed.

- Critical Decisions bring all the attention towards the Decision Maker. In case his decision goes wrong, he will have to face the embarrassment.

- Critical Decisions may make or break one's reputation. This feeling puts pressure on the decision maker cause mental fatigue and discomfort.

Decision Making can be Really Easy with Following Steps:

- Be Prepared for the Best and the Worst. Understand that it's a gamble, but has to be made with most positive intentions.

- Poses the Right Attitude. Put your calculations and go for the one. Most of the times, the things done with right attitude prove successful.

- You can't afford to be defensive about decisions that turn out to be wrong. When you are wrong, and you will be from time to time, admit it and go on.

- Don't prolong the process of Decision Making. Delays will cause more Delays. Not taking decision in time may damage your reputation more than failing at a decision.

- Put your knowledge and experience, and you may try consulting your close ones, but act on your own responsibility.

- Try breaking the decisions that are too complex in nature. Step by step, things become more easy to handle.

- Prioritize the decisions. Understand the chronological order of the implementation of decisions and act accordingly.

- Don't base apply the same technique or logic on two different decisions. This formula work only by chance. Go with your own intuition about the situation.

Modern Day Study reveals Decision Making Model as the basis of Decision Making Process. The software companies have come up with Decision Making Software which works for the decision makers. This decision making tool is built on the various Decision Making Techniques and Theories of Management. The Style and Skill to be used in decision making will differ in all cases, thus the reliability of such tools cannot be assured.

EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP: Find the Key to Effective Leadership

The Definition of Leadership shows that its about influencing people and directing them towards a common goal. There have been many famous leaders in the past and each of them had unique Leadership Style. Some used their Leadership Skill to work amongst the team, and some used it to get the work done. In modern times, an effective Leader is considered to be the one who can get the work done with a smile on his team members' face. Let's look below how delegation of authority and responsibility helps in Effective Leadership.


1. Most important is what to Delegate and to whom. In other words, delegate a task to the person who can do it better than others. Leader should know the skills and abilities of the team-members so that he can decide who will be the best person to be delegated a specific task.

2. Be specific regarding the desired Results on accomplishment of the task. The person who has been delegated the task should be well aware what is expected s the outcome of executing the task.

3. If there has to be some specific means to accomplish the task, the team leader should specify that to the delegated person. Any special instructions must not be left unexplained at the very beginning.

4. Define the scope of Responsibility of the delegated person. He should exactly know to what extent his role is. He should know what part of the task can be shared with other members and what would come under his responsibility.

5. Provide Proper Authority to the delegated person. He should be aware of the powers he can use to accomplish the task. He should know whom he can approach and with what authority. He should know to what extent the decision making power lies with him. All the steps of delegating authority should be directed towards achieving the results effectively and efficiently.

6. If the task includes various steps, then break the steps into details and review the task performed after the first step. Looking at the direction towards performance will help the delegator understand that the work is being done rightly.

7. Make sure the delegate person understands the timeline of the execution of the task. The leader should explain what is the maximum amount of time appointed for accomplishing the task. If needed, the task should be reviewed after a specific amount of time, to see if the work is going on schedule.

8. Monitor the progress of the work. The leader should check the performance and results achieved at various points. As per requirement, the delegated person should be allowed to enquire about any issues and problems that need to be addressed. If the leader finds any bottlenecks in the process, he should effectively remove them to enable the accomplishment of the task.

Delegation of Work allows a leader to test the ability of his people. This will enable him to achieve the organizational goals more effectively since he would know who can do what, and how effectively. Many organizations hire Leadership and Management trainers to teach leadership skills and leadership style to managers at various management levels. Such leadership training promotes leadership development and enhances the leadership quality of the managers. hopes that our leadership article would help managers and leaders in effective leadership.

GOAL SETTING: How to Set and Achieve your Career Goals

To be a successful person is a desire only. How much success is a goal. Can you imagine a football match without goal post. Similarly, to achieve success in your career you should have a clear goal. Goal setting is not a tough but tactful process. Let's look below to find how career goals can be defined.


Goal setting can be divided into 5 steps:

S – Specific: Your goal should be specific. It must have a definition. E.g. you want to look smart is not a specific goal. It can be “Loosing Your Weight”.

M – Measurable: Your goal should be measurable. Loosing weight is not enough. It can be “15 Kgs.”

A – Achievable: The goal should be achievable. At the age of 20 years with a weight of 130 Kgs., loosing 70 Kgs. of weight can not be achieved.

R – Realistic: The goal should be realistic. Unreal goals are are not met.

T – Time bound: The goal should be Time Bound also. It should have the starting and the Finishing time. To continue with the same example, it can be 90 days starting today.

In your career, job, profession and business, you should have a “S M A R T” Goal. It should be big enough.

“Small Fire can not give Big Heat: Small Desire can not give Big Success”

PUBLIC SPEAKING: Public Speaking Tips and Techniques

The art of PUBLIC SPEAKING is the shortcut to distinction. The right training and technique can make you famous professional public speaker. This page contains public speaking tips and topics. Only way to overcome fear of public speaking is to prepare and practice. By following the steps below one can know how to become a great and effective public speaker.


Below are the Key Factors that you should keep in mind for Effective Public Speaking:

STAGE BEATS: As the name of a person is announced to deliver a speech, the heart beat gets fast. This is called Stage Beat. This is common phenomenon and happens with all public speakers. The fear and anxiety to perform better in public speaking is the main cause of this. Just take a deep breath, walk slowly and perform.

POSTURE: In a public speaking seminar the posture should be relaxed with one foot little ahead.

GESTURE: The use of habitual gestures should be avoided. Only gestures relevant to the public speaking topic can be used.

EYE CONTACT: The good public speaker should make the eye contact with each and every person of the audience. One should not see on roof or floor of the place. Even looking at heads or feet of people is not good.

EMPHASIS: The emphasis on world is a skill. Wrong emphasis can make the people receive different messages.

PAUSE: The effective public speaking requires a good flow of language with regular use of pauses at comas and full stops. Coma needs 2 seconds and full stop needs around 4 to 5 seconds pause.

VOICE PITCH: You should speak at a pitch keeping in mind the person sitting at last of your audience. However use of sound systems can help also.

The Public Speaking course and books can help you getting rid of any public speaking phobia. Attend good public speaking workshops. A motivational public speaker should be enthusiastic enough to mesmerize the audience.

FINANCIAL PLANNING: Tips to Manage your Income and Expenses

Whether you own a Business, or you are a Salaried Employee in an organization, there is on common goal to earn a sufficient income to maintain your living. This includes tracking your sources of income, keeping a check on your liabilities, and knowing your net worth. Financial Planning is a way to manage the above functions is an better way plus increasing your net worth over effectively. Let's look below how you can go about the Financial Planning to get the maximum out of your Money.


1. Keep Your Expenditure less than Your Earnings. Don't over-spend.

2. Track your Expenses. Maintain a record of what you have spent.

3. Keep your credit card as an emergency tool only. Don't carry your credit card when you are in no mood to shop.

4. Plan Your Budget and Stick to it. It is one of the important steps in Financial Planning. Not sticking to your Budget will land you in rough weather.

5. Invest in Secure Schemes. If you are planning to invest your money, make sure you don't get lured by quick money schemes that may never mature. Be cautious while investing.

6. Maintain a specific amount of savings out of your income every month. Don't let the figure drop. Savings will give you motivation.

7. Save Money out of your daily Expenses. See if you car if costing you more, or may be your electricity bills, or clothes, etc. Cut down the unnecessary expenditure.

8. Keep a record of how much you owe and to whom. Without a proper record, you might skip deadlines for filing tax returns, paying credit card bills, paying insurance premiums, etc. As a result, a lot of extra money will have to be shelled out as late charges.

There are various financial planning software available online that help you towards a better and efficient Financial Planning. It acts as a Financial Calculator and Financial Planner Tool. If you have landed up on this page too late, and you are already stuck in a huge debt crisis, it will be recommended that you should visit a Financial Consultant, also known as a Financial Advisor, and get the things sorted out first. They offer Financial Services at some charges, but they effectively plan your finances. Make every possible effort to seek a happy retirement. In other words, make sufficient savings for the days after retirement and you will be happy man. Thats why many young people start financial planning during college days starting with Personal financial planning.

CAREER BUILDER: Tips to Find a Right Career for You

The definition of a True Career can differ at various stages of Life. For some, a True career can be the one which which is Paying You good. For others, a True Career can be the one that give Job Satisfaction and some will say that a combination of both. The Answers will vary with age and status. Generally speaking, a True Career can be a career which you adopt with the proper planning keeping in mind your interest and skills.

Below is the Career Builder that will help you to choose the Right Career for you. Its all about Planning, so lets see what are the Steps in the Career Builder:

Career Builder Step 1:

Think about the Work that you can do infinite times without a frown on your face. In other words, seek within yourself, what career that fascinates you. A Career which you have been longing to join. A Career you always think about. A Career that you will love the most. Once you find the Answer, move to the next Career Builder Step.

Career Builder Step 2:

Think of the Career chosen in Step 1, and evaluate your skills required for this profession. Do you have the proper qualification or can it be gained? See how many positives you can think of, and how many negatives. For example, having poor communication skills and choosing marketing as career could be a wrong move. And having a good hand at sketching, and choosing Graphic Designer as career should be right move. After deciding the career that matches your skills and interest, move on to next Career Builder Step.

Career Builder Step 3:

Lets assume you chose to become a Call Centre Executive as it suits your interest and skills. Now, you need to see the trend of the Call Centre industry. You need to be sure that the minimum and maximum Salary a Call Centre Executive can earn. Also look out for the growth prospects in that Career. You need to think long-term, because changing career out of helplessness at a later stage will give you a lot of frustration.

These days, there are diverse professions. But proper career planning can lead you to a successful career. If in doubt over choosing a career, you can get career advice through career counseling. There are many organizations that provide career services and career management. Even the choice of a good school, college, university or a private institute does give you an edge over others. hopes that the career information has helped you to be on step closer to your True Career... Good Luck!

BAD BOSS: Are you working under a Bad Boss ?

Many Employees call themselves really unlucky to get a Bad Boss. But thats not true because 70% of the employees around the world say the same. So, does that mean all Bosses are Bad ? There are people with different kinds of personalities, so are the Bosses.

Before we talk about the different ways to deal with a Bad Boss, let's see what is actually that we call as a Bad Boss.

Following are different types of Bad Bosses:

- BOSS TYPE 1: My Boss always loves taking Credit for accomplishments.

- BOSS TYPE 2: My Boss is always looking to cheat the Company for his own personal benefit, putting company's resources and reputation at stake.

- BOSS TYPE 3: My Boss has a poor attitude towards work. He is a lazy fellow who is just spending time at the job.

- BOSS TYPE 4: My Boss mixes his personal matters with the official ones. He has so many personal and official responsibilities, that the work often suffers.

- BOSS TYPE 5: My Boss is too afraid to take any major decision on his own. He fears his reputation going bad on his wrong decisions, and as the result, the things don't move.

- BOSS TYPE 6: My Boss is not a good example of a Boss. He is known for delegating responsibilities, but not doing anything himself.

- BOSS TYPE 7: My Boss is always frustrated and keeps yelling on trifle matters. Its better to enquire about his mood from the co-workers before going to him.

A Bad Boss is always difficult to deal with. Some people have problems with Lady Boss and some with Man Boss. But there are solutions and work around for everything. You can easily have a good day at work with someone who says "I am the Boss". As mentioned previously, almost everyone has a Bad Boss Story or a Bad Boss Joke derived from his real life experience. Dealing with a Bad Boss requires a little tact that we shall discuss in our other section.

BUSINESS TRAVEL: Tips to Plan and Execute a Business Trip

As a Business grows, the contacts grow into a wider segment of the society. The Businessman, who has international clients, has to visit different places for finalizing on the contracts and commitments. These visits are made for the growth of the Business, on the company expenses and time, thus, they are termed as Business Travel. It requires proper planning to save on the travel time and cost, and get the maximum out of the Business Trip.

How to Optimize Your Business Travel:

- Check if traveling to the client is absolute necessary.

- If the Client is in a better situation to visit you, than always prefer inviting him.

- If you are visiting a client, then depending upon the client's location, use appropriate means of communication. May be air travel is cheaper for you destination.

- Give your subordinate a chance to visit the client. This will boost his morale and experience, and it will save your valuable time.

- Look at the planner. If you can accommodate other client visits at that location on the same or next day, then re-schedule your trip accordingly.

- Outsource your travel management to a specialized travel agency instead of doing it on your own. It will save your time and cost from all aspects.

- Avoid rush hour arrivals at the destination as commuting will be slow and costlier.

- Don't always rely on your Cell Phone, Laptop, communicator or a Blackberry device, as they may crash at any point. Keep a Diary or a notebook with you which has all the contact numbers and addresses that you will require.

- Before you leave from your place, a checklist of all your important things will be a good idea.

Corporate Business Travel needs careful planning. Thats why its recommended to give this task to a Business Travel Planner for your Business Travel Management. Book Business Class Air Travel only if necessary, otherwise a normal class will save your cost. Accommodation, Weather, etc should also be pre-confirmed to adjust the itinerary accordingly.

CAREER CHANGE: How to handle your Career Change

A Career Change is a big decision. Its a step that can lead to unexpected circumstances. Its a kind of risk where there is equal probability of succeeding and failing. But you will go for any kind of risk if your present career is not rewarding you with what you deserve. So, keeping in mind, that when a career change becomes a neccessity, we shall discuss what are the right steps to be taken at this critical stage of Life.


PLAN - Anything that is planned has more chances of being a success. So, plan your transition. Seek answers to questions like what are your current monthly expenses? Will you be able to manage these expenses if you don't get enough money out of your new career for the first few months.

Find out if any specialized skills are required for your new career that you need to possess first. Also, calculate the maximum growth prospective for the new career, in terms of position and income.

MOTIVATE YOURSELF - You should read the Success Stories of those who made a successful career change. The more you read, the more you will desire to become one of them. Also, discuss the ins and outs of the career with people associated with your new career. Listen to them, and see if they think that career can really do wonders.

ASSESS YOUR SKILLS - The skills that you had gained for your present career should not go waste in total. Try to analyse your new career regarding the use of your acquired skills. You should find out a way to re-use those skills as it will make you more effective than any other fresher to the new career.

TALK TO YOURSELF - The decisions is an important one, a bold one, and a risky one. But its going to be your decision. So, ask yourself if its a right time to make a career move, is it the right time to shift to new career? After reading the success stories of successful career changers, you can get an idea about yourself better now. So, talk to yourself and decide.

TRANSIT SMOOTHLY - Go for some part time jobs in your new career and keep you present career during this period of smooth transition. There are night shift jobs, weekend jobs available for many professions, so try to get a hold of your new career through this way. This will reduce risks and make you feel more comfortable.

Career Change really matters when it shows up in your Resume. A Good Resume should be prepared keeping in mind how to describe your career change in such a way that the employer takes it in good terms. Career change cover letters should show the previous career skills being available for the new job. Study some Sample career change cover letters to get a good grip of the way. Though a Midlife career change is not so easy but proper planning and execution can make it real simple. If you are stuck in plenty of questions regarding career change, then seek Career change advice.

SALARY NEGOTIATIONS: How to ask for the Desired Salary

Getting an appointment for the Job Interview is a Big Success. Getting through the interview process is a big accomplishment. But the very next question might land you in a puzzle. That question is about your Salary. Many employers don't have preset pay scales. They ask you for the expected salary. Now how to deal with the Salary Negotiation is our topic in discussion below.


It is always recommended not to mention your Salary History. Don't reveal the details of your previous salary to your prospective employer.

While filling the form for the interview, you would come across the question regarding your salary expectation. Prefer writing "Negotiable" as the answer. This would indicate to the organization that you are not adamant on salary issue.

The figure of your previous Salary should not become a hurdle in asking for a higher package. You should be able to convince the interviewers that the salary should be decided according to your value and experience that you will bring to the organization.

In the interview, you may be told by the interviewer that the company can offer you some specific salary figure. Now, if that salary figure is lower than your expectations, you should try to convince the interviewer regarding your current and future requirements, and make them feel that you are asking for what you deserve as per your talent, and experience.

It is recommended that you should not be the first one to bring the issue of salary. Let the interviewer begin with that, and let it be one of the last things in the interview. Never state your current salary falsely to get a higher salary.

The task of negotiating the Job Salary is a little tough, but with Pre-planned expected Salary Range in your mind, things can be easy for you. Pre-planning involves estimating your salary with a Salary Calculator tool. Such tools are available online that decide upon your Average job salary using Salary Wizard. The figures in the Salary Calculator tool can be based upon the Salary Survey among the professional in a specific field. You should also seek Salary Comparison between various levels of experience in your field. hopes that this section of our Salary Guide has been helpful to you.

COMMUNICATION SKILL: Tips for Effective Communication

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILL is an important interpersonal skill to convey what you want to convey. People are getting hundreds of confusing messages daily viz. television advertisements, radio jingles, greetings etc. Our attempt should be to improve communication skill to compete with all other voices crying for attention.


It is important to understand the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication. Communication is 7% verbal and 93% non-verbal yet people try to learn verbal communication skill.

The definition of Communication is to send and receive the message to achieve the desired goal. Size of audience does not matter whether of one person or thousands. Good communication skill is about repeating following steps:

- Gain and Retain attention

- Accurate Message

- Adequate Message

- Desired Response

- Obtain Results

The caution is that audience can not be fooled. Be direct and tactful. Involve them in your talks. Observe their body language. Check them in between. Deal immediately with distractions and disturbances. Value your audience. Value their time. Make your communication interesting. Make sure your meaning is being understood. Ask questions. Use simple, strong and familiar words. Attend communication skill workshops. Communication involves more than words. It involves meanings, values, ideas, information, suggestions and advices.

Communication skill is an art and not a science. Communication is speaking effectively, listening attentively, transferring feelings and getting desired results. We hope has helped you in improving communication skill with the above information.

JOB SEARCH: What is the Right Way to Find a Job

Skills, Experience, Attitude, Performance and many other things matter when it comes to finding a Right Job. Many people get a job in their first interview itself, while many have to struggle for an interview appointment even. To find a job that fits your skills and interests, you got to follow a properly planned procedure. Not everything in Life comes by chance or Luck. Its only when the Planning meets Opportunity, the success is bound to happen. So, Plan out your job search as the opportunity may strike anytime.


Patience and persistence are the Mantra for a proper job search. There are appropriate ways of seeking a Job. Lets discuss how to Find a job:

1. Look for the Job that relies upon your interests and skills. Don't chase Money. Don't join a post just because it is highly paying. You need to understand that your performance will reward you with good Salary.

2. Begin the day of your job search with Pre-decided schedule. Get up early, then chalk out the appointments of the day.

3. Don't take more than 2 interview appointments in a single day as the figure more than that will exhaust you.

4. Read good Inspirational thoughts and Quotes during the days of job search.

5. Increase your confidence by talking to friends and well wishers.

6. Focus on one Job source per day. Read classified Ads and call as per geographic Location.

7. Skip the process of going through a consultant. Look for the Job opportunities on your own. Many Consultants might not consider you deserving yet your interviewer may like you way for talking etc.

8. Follow up with letters after the interview. But don't over-do it as it may irritate the prospective employer.

9. If you had a bad day at interview, try to refresh yourself by some physical activity. Go for evening walks with close friends, deep breathe before sleeping, etc.

10. Make sure that at the end of the day, you should mark what companies have you approached, how many have shown interest for further interview, and how many have given you the dates for correspondence.

For a proper job search, you should apply to job search engine available on various job sites. Apart from applying to local job search organizations, you can look into online job search. Many job web sites offer job search engines specific to geographic locations such as UK, USA, Australia, Canada, India etc. Hope the tips for a perfect job search by have been helpful to you.

RESIGNATION: How to Write a Resignation Letter

Many People make the mistake of resigning the wrong way. The months and years of effort and dedication you have put in your current job should not be destroyed in one single moment when you resign. The goodwill you have built with colleagues and superiors should always remain good. Resigning incorrectly may trouble you in future. Your improper reaction may be considered as a negative trait of your personality.

So, in order to save your Personal and Professional Reputation, leave the company in such a way that your previous employer and colleagues should remember you for your charming Personality and a great Character. Below, We discuss what to consider while putting a Resignation Letter.

Read the Suggestions on How to Resign from a Job :

World has shrunk into a global village, smaller and easier to access. You might end up meeting same people in cross-roads of your career. So, never leave your job in sour terms. Your Resignation announcement should not affect your personal and professional relations at any point in time.

Your organization might have treated you unfairly, but display your cool and composed nature as its in your benefit. Don't use the letter of resignation for venting out your hard feelings for the company. Fill the Resignation Form very politely.

Things to consider before you Resign from Job :

1. Resignation Policy : Many Companies don't like to keep the employees as soon as they have submitted the Resignation Letter. And some companies would react critically to your decision, while some will try convincing you to their level best. So, Check out through your colleagues about the resignation policy of your company.

2. Legal Rights of an Employee : If your Severance pay, unemployment benefits, stock options, and all other kinds of compensation are there, you should not forget to take it as you serve the resignation notice.

3. Prepare in Advance for Resignation : Many Companies won't allow access to their operations area, your computer, your files, your email etc once you put your papers. So, make sure to clean up ny objectionable personal stuff fro your desk or computer before you resign, else the employer may find a reason to block your compensation.

4. Handling a Counter Offer : Don't tell your employer that the XYZ company has offered you better pay package and you may continue to work if a counter offer is given. Its unprofessional. There are a few chances that your employer will negotiate for a better salary for you, but the implications of your action will raise question on:
- Your Loyalty to the company.

- Your Attitude towards your job.

- Your decision making capability.

Majority of employees who accept the counter offers are either voluntarily leaving or being dismissed by the organization after around six months. This is purely because of the question on your accountability to the company.

So, rule of the Game is simple: Either Stick to the Company or just move on without looking back..!

PUBLIC RELATIONS: Why Public Relations are Important

'Public Relations is the term that refers to a planned way of establishing and maintaining goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and all those with whom an organisation needs to communicate. It includes the media, government bodies, financial institutions, pressure groups, customers and suppliers.

STRESS MANAGEMENT: How to deal with Stress

Definition of Stress :

In this continually changing world, our Body gets affected by the situations and circumstances around us, and reacts accordingly. This alteration of human behaviour is called Stress. Stress affects us both physically and emotionally. Stress can cause positive or negative effect on our behaviour. Positively, Stress can generate action, and force us to do something towards a positive result. Negatively, stress can cause feelings of anger, distrust, rejection, depression, etc bringing us headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, etc. Generally speaking, loss of a dear one, birth, relationship matters, a job promotion etc are the common factors that cause us Stress. At Work, Stress can be caused by a new job, quitting a job, interviews, appraisals, work pressure, peer pressure, transfers, salary issues, etc. Stress can bring a positive or negative action fro within us, depending on how we react to the Situation.

Stress is Relative :

A particular situation can be Stressfull for one person while easy for the other one. For example, a person in a certain organization, at a certain designation, under a certain superior may not be so comfortable, while the other person might enjoy working in that situation. Thus, the term Stress is Relative. The solutions for Stress Management differ from a person to person, and depend upon the nature and characteristics of that person. Deadlines, competitions, confrontations, frustrations and sorrows, anxiety etc cause stress at work, but level of stress varies.

Stress Management :

Below we discuss hope to cope with Stress and Anxiety. The points mentioned below should help you to understand the causes of Stress for you and help you to get rid of Stress:

  • Don't ignore the Stress, find what is causing you Stress.
  • Find what situations put you in stress, and why you get into that situations.
  • Notice the effects of Stress upon you physical and emotional state.
  • Can those circumstances and situations leading to Stress be avoided?
  • Can the occurrence period of the Stress be reduced?
  • As a Stress Management Technique, take a break when you are Stressed.
  • Plan your Stress Management Activity in such a way that you stop being afraid of the things or situations you feared previously.
  • Believe in yourself, and remember that not everyone can be Pleased.
  • Relax and see if you are treating every issue as a Critical and Urgent matter.
  • Cope up with Stress thinking that it cannot dominate you.
  • Try controlling your emotional expressions in the stressful situations.
  • Deep Breathe Slowly to get the Hearth-beat rate to normal.
  • Don't allow stress to damage your Body. Blood Pressure should be under control and go for regular check-ups with physician,
  • Don't fully dpendon the doctor's medication to avoid becoming addicted to medication for Stress.
  • Stress Management can be followed by doing cardiovascular exercises, as they are Good for Heart, Good for you.
  • Keep a check on your weight.
  • Tke Breaks at Work. Try to spend some time having fun and relaxing for a while.
  • Sleep Undisturbed. The more sleepy you feel at work, the more stressed you will feel.

PAY RAISE: How to Ask for a Raise

Raise in the Salary is very important. It motivates the person to take more interest in his work. Pay raise make the person more committed towards the company. Lets look at the points that should be kept in mind when you prepare yourself to ask for a raise.

PERSONALITY TEST: What are Your Personality Traits

FREE PERSONALITY QUIZ can help you know the type of personality you are. It is a online Free Personality test. Knowing Personality traits and then choosing a career accordingly make you more successful. This quiz may also help you in your Personality development. Below is the Personality Test divided in 3 Steps that will reveal your personality trait.

LISTENING SKILLS: Tips for Effective Listening

Listening Skill is more important to speaking skill. Transaction is never complete if you speak only. Listening is not merely hearing, it is more than hearing. Effective listening helps you in grasping the topic of discussion quickly and thus helping in effective communication.

The Art of Listening requires complete involvement of mind, body and soul. Listening skill like other skills can be learnt and acquired. Listen more than you speak makes you more acceptable.

SALES TRAINING: Tips on How to Sell Effectively

Every Product and Service has one definite purpose, that is, to reach to the customers. But what to do when a similar product is available in the market. Here comes the role of Sales People. Effective Sales Skill can be learnt. Sales training in sales can lead you to exciting and most paying sales jobs.

LEADERSHIP QUALITY: Qualities of a Successful Leader

As the child has the abilities to sit, to move, to speak and to walk but in the beginning he needs somebody by his side to guide him or to lead him. Similarly there are some people who have the capabilities and potential to be different than others. But the only thing they require is someone by their side to motivate them and guide them. They need people who help them in achieving success. The people who motivate them, guide them, and lead them are called Leaders and the way of leading people is called Leadership.

True Leadership is in taking people to a place they wouldn't go by themselves, leaders lead the people with a purpose and direction. Following Tips will help you to know the Qualities of a Good Leader.


Some People are Born Leaders: Born Leaders have natural ability to Lead. They have a passion an immense desire to do something different.

Leader set example for others: If we are in leadership position, we must provide people with good examples to follow. We must know whether we are effective at our work or not. We must evaluate our actions.

Take suggestions to be more Effective in Leadership: Don't hesitate in taking suggestions from the people you lead. Ask them how you can help them in making them more productive.

Polish you Leadership Qualities: Even the best can be improved. So, keep on improving you qualities constantly. Make changes wherever required.

Encourage Your Team to share their feelings with You: Give your team the ability to share with you the matters where they need changes. Recognize those who suggest positive changes to encourage them.

True Leadership lies in Educating and Training everyone in the team: Learning is never ending process. So, educate and train everyone in various areas. The more learned they are, the more helpful they will be.

Admit Your Mistakes Boldly: The People who work, only they make mistakes. During your leadership, don't hesitate to admit your mistakes, rather admit them openly.

Tackle the Person immediately who creates problem in the Team: If you have a worker in the tem, who is putting negative impact on others, it is necessary to deal with him quickly.

Train everyone not get Jealous at Others' Performance: Give the team members training to celebrate each other's performance. Ask them to help each other to get success.

Conduct Functions to Recognize Achievements of the Workers: To motivate your employees, conduct award-giving functions to recognize their achievements. This will double their energy level.

Arrange Friendly Competitions among Employees: Bring out the talents and abilities of the employees through contests and friendly competitions.

Give Your Employees more exposure by taking them outdoor: Take your employees to visit different business houses to get new Ideas.

FIRST IMPRESSION: How to Deal with Clients in Sales Call

Impression is to leave an impact on others. It can be either good or bad. First impression is a long lasting impression. Therefore one should do ones best to impress others during the sales call to close the sales. Read the following important tips on how to give your best impression during your Sales Call.


Language : During the sales call language used is very important. Both verbal and non verbal language matters. We usually give more importance to verbal . Those who pay attention to the body language generally focus on facial expressions only. Not only the face but the body communicates our feelings to others. It has much more stronger impact than the verbal language.

Office : Office is the most important place. The location of the office , the arrangement of furniture in it is very important to give great impression to the buyer. The setting of the office should provide the buyer with friendly environment. One should feel comfortable while discussing the things.

Creative impression attracts the client : The flower pot , the pen stand , the posters , the awards , the photographs should be placed in such a manner that give your creative impression to the buyer.

Avoid giving funny impressions : An office should give a professional look. Avoid using posters and decoration pieces meant for home. This will give your funny impression to the buyer.

Do not give wrong impression : The things you put in the office depict your taste an interests. Avoid such things which can leave wrong impression on the buyer.

Avoid using massive desks in the office: Massive desks create physical s well as visual barriers. When you can not see the person from chest down , you don’t know whether he is fully involved in the conversation or not.

Your Seat in the office: This is the most important seat in your office. The height of the chair can raise or lower your status. The chair with the higher back raise the status of the person. One feels great and powerful sitting in it.

Dress to impress the client: Your dress also show your taste. It should be formal and graceful.

Do your best to give best impression and be successful in getting your sales call mature.

PRODUCTIVE DAY: How to have a Fresh and Active Day

We all are living by doing something or the other each day. Many of us just do the things without any plan and purpose. Such people do not get anything concrete at the end of the day. In such cases each day passed is just a day spend with little results. The same day can be made more productive by implementing the following points.


Start your day with a plan of action: Before going to sleep plan your next day’s work. Without planning we can miss the important task and spend the whole day doing less important things. Sometimes we have to pay a heavy cost for this.

Try to improve yourself each day: Do little more efforts every day to improve yourself. We are not to compete with others. We are to compare our present performance with our past performance only. We have to be more productive each day to meet the challenges of the life.

Mange your time & you manage your money: Set your priorities and do the work accordingly. Do not allow others to waste your time in useless things. Complete your work and have a wonderful day.

Hard work with no results is of no use: Avoid spending the whole day in making mistakes and setting them right. No doubt you will remain busy without any productivity.

Maintain balance between all the seven areas: To lead a balanced life we have to give equal amount of time to all the seven areas; health, family, wealth, intellect, society, spiritualism and religion. If any one of these areas is neglected or given more time our success will be sabotaged.

Organize your work area: Our work place should be neat and cleaned. Our table should be well organized. So many things and papers on the table distract your mind and you waste lots of time in locating the document you actually need.

Handle each paper ones: Make it a habit to put useful papers in the file and throw waste paper in the dustbin. This will save your energy and increase your productivity.

Spend qualitative time to have a great day: Whatever time you spend either at home or at work place it should be qualitative and result oriented.

Enjoy enough sleep to be fresh for the day: To have a nice day and to remain active the whole day you should have enough sleep to do work with zeal.

Plan your day and then work on it: If you are able to work on your plan you will surely get better results. You will feel more satisfied, less stress and enjoy more restful sleep.

Have breaks in between the work: This is most important to have lunch break and tea break to get our batteries recharged. If you think that you can be more productive by utilizing the breaks for work then this is just a myth. After working for several hours when we have lunch break we get an opportunity to refresh ourselves to handle the rest of the work more effectively.

The well planned day will definitely make you more productive and you will be able to achieve the desired results.

KEY TO SUCCESS: Tips for a Success and Happiness at Work

It is well said that success is a journey and not the destination. The more you achieved the more is there to get. So move ahead by keeping in mind the following points:


Know yourself to get success in the carrier: One should be aware of ones weaknesses and strengths while deciding their goals in the carrier. Once decided then you should feel comfortable and stick to them.

Do not waste time in repenting on your failures: One has to face the failures while moving towards the success. You should face them boldly and try to learn from them.

Must write your long term and short term goals: You should be very specific while writing short term and long term goals. Only then you can move towards that direction.

Fix the target: Fix time limit for your goals. Try to achieve them within that period of time to be called a winner.

Share your goal with your social network: When you will share your goal with your friends and relatives they will tell you the ways and means to achieve the goals. Thus they will help you in writing your success story.

Successful people have strong ideals: Strong idealism leads to be a person with difference. Idealistic people have the purpose to live. To achieve that purpose they pursue their goals with strong idealism.

The winners contribute to create better world and help others: The winners are always ready to make the world better place to live. They are motivated to help others. The person who wants to be successful should help others in getting them success.

Practical approach towards life: Successful people have practical approach towards life which helps them to succeed in their mission. They find the solution of every problem.

Use technological advancements: To achieve their goals they make the use of technology, information skills and practical tools to get the solutions.

Be jack of all and master of one: The successful people have the knowledge of all the spheres whether they are of their concern or not. They keep them aware of the things happening around them.

Successful people have inquisitive mind: One should have inquisitive mind to know more and more about the things. You may not be expert in all the areas but basic knowledge is must.

Personal discipline is key to success: The people who have discipline in their life make sincere efforts to reach the heights of success. They do not waste time in gossiping. They talk to the point. They do not cheat themselves by procrastination.

Successful entrepreneur talk business only: They do not waste time in discussing neighbors, relatives, pictures stories and dreams. They discuss the matters which help them to get succeed.

Plan and persistence make them a winner: The people who keeps on changing their goals and targets reach no where. Those who followed their plans with persistence and commitment achieve high level success.

Any body who wants to attain heights in their carrier can acquire the above mentioned skills. One should be very clear about his goals. He should use his social network to discuss what he wanted. Hard work with patience and persistence will definitely help him to succeed and be a winner.

MEETING PLANNING: How to Plan Meetings

Meetings are called to discuss important matters, to take important actions, to make some changes, to take feedback, to give important instructions, to motivate employees, etc. Meetings have a specific purpose. It seeks attainment of certain objectives, reaching certain decisions, resolving certain issues. Thus, Business Meetings must be properly planned to enable the proper execution of the meet.

A Meeting involves time and cost of many concerned people, every second counts, and every second invested in the meeting should be productive. Pre-planned meetings are always a success. Nothing should be left to be arranged at the last minute. Below we provide the Tips for a properly planned Business Meetings.


1. Objective of Meeting: Why the meeting is called should be clear to every member so that they come prepared with the information.

2. Invite the concerned persons only. Suppose it's a sales meeting, you need not call all employees. Invite only sales related people who have the information relevant to the meeting objective.

3. Prepare a Written Meeting Agenda. Give the copies to all the participants, so that they should know the minutes of the meeting.

4. Prepare a Check List. Write down all the things required for the meeting. Make the arrangement accordingly.

5. Reach the venue early. Reach the meeting place before time. Check the Meeting Room, and see if it's neat and clean. See the material required for the meeting is available.

6. Fix starting and ending time of the Business Meeting. Start the meeting on time to encourage punctuality. Those who arrive on time should not suffer for those who don't. It should also adjourn on time.

7. Maintain the Decorum. Don't allow participants to interrupt each other. Everyone should be given time to present his/her opinion.

8. Contribute to make the meeting successful. Be a good Participant. Give relevant information to contribute to the success of the meeting.

9. Involve everyone in the Process. The person who is conducting the meeting should keep in mind the goals and the objectives of the meeting and involve all participants in the process.

10. Make the Summary of Meeting. To review the results of the meeting, make summary of the whole discussion. Make a follow-up plan so that the things discussed can be implemented.

Business Meetings work as Ice-Breaker. While they help in developing Business, they also help as ice-breakers. Employees enjoy the meeting day as it's different from the routine days. So, meetings should be planned in well-organized manner. All the arrangements should be make according to the checklist. To organize a corporate meeting, a separate committee should be formed to make all the arrangements.

OFFICE PARTY: Tips for Your Behavior in Office Parties

Parties are generally organized to celebrate special events or achievements. Whenever a company celebrates the achievements, we get motivated, and recharge our batteries for the next task. So, the Parties are very important to be organized. Here are few points that we must keep in mind while going to attend a party.

Business Parties must be attending in true spirit. You should be aware of the fact that the people around you in the party are the same who will be around you at your workplace. Your behavior at the party will be noticed by the management and colleagues. Following are the Tips on how to behave at a Business Party.


1. Best Opportunity to strengthen your relationship: Parties provide best opportunities to get to know each other better, it depends on your behavior weather to use this platform to strengthen or weaken your relationship.

2. Attendance in the party is must: If you think that you may go or not, it doesn't make any difference, then you are sadly mistaken. Your absent will be noted and this will show that you are not interested. This will give your image as a non committed worker in the company.

3. Your dress should be according to the occasion: Dress yourself according to the party theme. If it is not costume party, then don't wear anything unusual.

4. Be Punctual: Reach the party venue in time. Punctual People are always observed. They leave a very good impression as compared to the late comers.

5. Think before you Drink: If alcohol is served, think many times before taking a glass. If you have self control, only then you should take. Otherwise you will loose an opportunity to leave a good image on the people.

6. Move Around and Socialize: If you are celebrating some social event, then you should not restrict yourself within your group, you should move around to get noticed. Go to new people and introduce yourself. Make the full use of this event by socializing.

7. If you have any Complaint, Keep it to yourself: When you are at celebrations, where everybody is having fun, don't show your grudges. Keep them to you only; otherwise, you will leave negative impact on others.

8. Don't Bring the Guest in the Office Party: You are not supposed to bring guest unless so informed. You may not be able to enjoy fully when there is someone with you to be looked after.

9. Parties are for fun and Celebrations: Whether it is an office Birthday Party, Christmas Party, Halloween Party or any other Holiday Party, the purpose is to have fun. They are not meant to love and romance. That is not the place to show your emotions.

10. Stay Up to the Last and Make your Presence Felt: If it's a company's Party, then it becomes your duty to stay up to last, and if it's a social gathering, even than you should remain there. This is the Best time to be close to the Host and the Organizers.

Business Parties give you opportunity to strengthen you relations, to get to know each other. You get more exposure; you get the chance to show your behavior, your self control, your talent, and your complete personality. Do make the best use of Party Time and Have Fun.

OVERCOMING SHYNESS: Tips on How to Overcome Shyness

The person who feels uncomfortable in presence of others is known as a Shy Boy or Shy Girl. The Shy Guy avoids talking to others which leaves negative impact on their career. Shyness acts as a barrier to a successful relations, may it be with clients, employers or employees.

Overcoming Shyness is an important step towards a developed personality. Success can be achieved only by overcoming such hindrances. Below are the tips for overcoming shyness.


Introspection is very Important: It is very important to know one's own weaknesses and strengths. We generally find faults in other and never see our shortcomings. The persons who introspect themselves readily accept the change.

Identify your Weakness: When you become aware of your shyness, then it becomes easy to overcome it. Then you won't like to be left behind due to this negative characteristic.

Get Ready to Change Yourself: Human nature resists change. First of all, prepare yourself to get rid of shyness, because only then you can make sincere efforts.

Your Behavior reflects your personality: It's your behavior which shows whether you are an introvert or extrovert. The people who appear outgoing and confident in building relations with others are more acceptable in the society.

You Need Not Be a very Knowledgeable Person: To be a good conversationalist, it's not necessary to have too much knowledge. The only thing you have to do is to take interest in other people and be a good listener.

Make other People Feel Great: When you will listen to others, and take interest in them, you will be surprised to see the positive response that people give to you.

Focus on Others' Interests: Don't talk much about yourself. Focus less on your discomfort, and more on others. This will make you feel great in others' eyes as well as in your own.

Be Inquisitive: To be open with others, it's very important to be inquisitive. Ask Questions about their Job, their Hobbies, their Family, etc. Avoid asking questions that can be answered with Yes/No or one word.

Don't Choose Controversial Topics: Avoid discussing topics which can be controversial. Try to discuss neutral topics to avoid conflict.

Avoid Talking Business Only: Don't stick to one topic only. You can discuss different topics like food, weather, sports, entertainment, and some current topics also.

The More You Get to Know Others, the More Comfortable You will Feel: The more you communicate with others, the more ease you will feel while building relations. You will feel free from over-shyness.

Be a Good Listener: You don't really have to change so much to overcome shyness. You just have to be a good listener and make others feel important.


1. Make an Eye Contact while Taking. It shows your confidence.
2. Shake hands firmly to remove your inhibition.
3. Person's name is the sweetest word in this world. So, repeat his or her name to make him/her feel more comfortable with you.
4. Smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. It makes you look more confident.

Just to get rid of shyness, you need to act as confident and smart guy. Then is will become your habit and you will be more confident, more social, and more acceptable person in your career and in your life.

POSITIVE ATTITUDE: Tips to Have a Positive Attitude

Positive Attitude is a state of mind when you look at the things on their brighter side. People with Positive Attitude lead more happy life than others because they always try to find something good even in the worse situations. They don't find the obstacles. Rather they see the opportunities in them. The Positive state of mind is very important to achieve success in life.

Positive Thinking Keeps us away from Negative Energy: Positive Thinkers find pleasure in living. Negative Energies don't shadow them.

People with Positive mind-set share their success with Others: They are an asset for the Society. They want to see their relative and friends prosper.

People with Positive Attitude see Bright Picture of a situation: They also have to struggle in the life, but they never complain about that. They are always hopeful to get something good out of Bad.


Be committed to yourself to change your attitude. Once decided, no one can stop you from being a Positive Thinker.

Attend Personality Development Programs. Read Books, watch TV Programs, Listen to Tapes regarding Personal and Professional Development. Read Positive Attitude Quotes.

Help Others in their Growth. You will automatically growth along with them. See your success in their success. You win when your clients win.

Share your Knowledge with others. The more you share the more you get. Your satisfaction will be beyond any comparison on seeing others grow with your help.

Write your goals of Life. Review Your Goals Daily and Update them, and take steps accordingly.

Join Some Organization or Activity Club which can help you in Personality Development. Share you interest with members.

Stay away from People with Bad/Negative Attitude. Avoid Negative Thinkers; they will spread Negative Energy around you.

The More Positive you think, the more positivism you will Enjoy. People respect those who have positive thinking. People with Positive Mental Attitude stand by the people in Distress. They provide Moral Support.

By Exercising the Above Tips, You can Change you Bad Attitude to Good Attitude.
Your winning attitude will not see the failures as it is. Rather, you will find something good out of that.
The only thing is to be committed yourself for this Big Change!

THE VISION: An Inspiring Article for Success

“Fake it & you’ll make it- The Vision”

Aman Verma was just an ordinary employee in marketing electrical components. He was not the one with extra ordinary qualification or skills. Just a simple graduate and a diploma in electrical maintenance he was engaged to do extra leg work for gathering customer information. One day while on a cold customer call he had an opportunity to sit in a luxury car ‘Maruti Esteem’. In one of the Training Programs when asked to depict where he sees himself in the next five year he drew a Collage cut pasting a Maruti Esteem Car and an apartment. I smiled with disbelief but noticed a certain change in Aman. There was a shine in his eyes, an extra glow on his face and was restlessly excited. "Sir I am going to buy a ‘Maruti Esteem’in three to four years, certainly before my marriage."

I was amused to listen to that innocent wish which was a mere fantasy for a boy like Aman making just Two Thousand Five Hundred Rupees a month and taking care of his widowed mother and kid sister in primary school. Just to encourage, I motivated him that I do not even remember but in heart of my hearts I knew this was just an impossible wish for Aman. He was in touch with me for another six more months. One apparent change I noticed in Aman was that now he was extra enthusiastic and more active. His appearance became more attractive & animated. His working hours more extended now. He was meeting people even at 10 PM at night or 8 O’clock in the morning.

Aman came to me in December ‘99 exactly three and a half years after the training program. He almost dragged me out of my office and took me to a brand new silver ‘Maruti Esteem’. For a moment I could not believe. “Sir! Please sit with me for a small ride. This is what I promised you four years back in Jan. ’96. I made it sir and you are the first person I want to sit in and bless me. He was excited like a warrior after conquering a battle or a player winning a grand slam. Sir I still remember when you told me that I can get it if I live this dream day and night. Sir! I have lived this dream for four years and see I made it.”
Aman told me the story of his journey of success. After Joining Crompton Greaves Aman had only one dream…. Buy a ‘Maruti Esteem’. He never missed a chance to have a ride in it whenever he could get it. He went to Maruti showroom, got a big poster of his dream car and pasted in his room. He had about ten toy cars lying here and there in his house where he can always see them touch them and play with them at leisure time. His first month bonus commission cheque was Four thousand two hundred rupees. This was good enough to give strength to his dream –impossible as I called it. That first cheque of extra income showed him the way. ‘Sir my every phone call to my customer was an opportunity to buy another part of ESTEEM. I bought it part by part. By December’96 I had 48,000 rupees of bonus commission from the extra sales I made over my targets. I was capable of buying 8% of this darling car. His company asked him to have additional qualification for next raise. Aman Joined PAU for part time studies of diploma in Marketing Management. In ’97 he was assistant manager in the branch.
I was amused to watch Aman talking and at the same time I felt little guilty also of underrating this boy. In fact I underrated the power of Dream and Faking the realization of it. Aman told me how he used to stand on the highway and watch cars moving. Behind every Esteem’s steering wheel he saw Aman, (himself) driving it. This was his favorite pass time activity. What a powerful way of faking. FAKE IT…. and you MAKE IT. This gives you a clear vision of what exactly you want. This vision is no more a blurred picture of abstract objects but a clear living reality-like image of your future accomplishments. Faking turns this spark of Vision into a raging fire inside you. All you need then is a small success. And you have done it. Faking is the extra sugar in your blood that gives you instant energy any anytime anywhere you may require to perform. You see it happening day & night which others name it impossible or a fantasy.
The wonderful thing about a challenging Vision is that it has the power to energize, motivate and excite us, to help us accomplish more than we imagined possible. Small quests don’t stroke the fire within us. Big thinking helps us envision big vision, which in turn creates massive amounts of enthusiasm and inspiration to make it happen. If you truly want success, if you honestly want much more out of life than you have had in the past, then you must have the courage to stretch your mind to its very limit. Challenge the limits. That is the power of Vision. Vision is seeing beyond sight. Vision is the magic of thinking big. Vision is visualizing what you think.

“Visualizing is realizing- what you see is what you get”
- Mark Victor Hansen

Vision is that powerful magnet whose invisible pull keeps on attracting us till we get into motion and reach there. It has a great power to empower its owner. The one, who has it, knows its significance, value and the end result also. Others may not understand it initially, but they bow down to it once its magic starts working.

A VISION has five test points, which are a must to make it worthwhile.

1. Clarity: It must have a clear explanation of ‘What it is’. It is very specific almost like a touchable object, very clear to see, sense and show.
2. Reality: Vision is about something real, possible and practical. It cannot be something totally unimaginable, beyond the realities of this world. Adopting 200 children is a reality where as giving birth to same number is beyond reality.
3. Faith: It must generate a great amount of faith in the people, who own it, because without faith it never works, neither it encourages to join and follow.
4. Fire: No VISION is capable of becoming a reality until it kindles fire in people. It is the fire inside the people that moves mountains, do things beyond expectations and perform beyond capabilities and others see magic happening.
5. Action: Most important is that even if we have the clarity, we approve the reality of it. Also it generates faith and kindles fire in us, but if we do not initiate action, it will be a simple fantasy and nothing more than that. Action only will turn it into reality.

If I look back at Aman’s case, he very clearly knew what he wanted. It was a simple reality before him, owning a Maruti Esteem car was not something out of the world wish. It was the faith in his vision that Aman left his secure job to join Cromptons as a trainee sales engineer. And the fire inside was so powerful that it did not allow him to sleep and finally it was an action day in and day out towards one direction that made it happen. That is the Power of Vision and Vision is the future preferred state. But the momentum towards that future has to start right away. Happy Visioning!!!

Media Impact: Media and its growing impact

The growth of media now a day is phenomenal. With the advent of 24x7 news channels the news is serving altogether a different meaning, media has become commercial. Also, with the advancement of technology news channels are also becoming techno-savvy, earlier the concept of music shows and laughter shows were never associated with news but now-a-days they are in vogue in news channels.
It seems media has entered everywhere from the room of one’s house to the by-lanes of a busy street. Everyday we got to hear news that serves a great purpose of enlightening our masses and on the other hand we also hear news that solely flashes across the TV screen just to garner TRP’s. Sometimes one feel news has lost its significance like everything else it has also become commercial but when one hears the news of Jessica Lal murder case and its development and the awareness media has created in the minds of people just makes one think about its real significance.
It has been rightly said that media is the mirror of society as it shows both negative and positive aspects of what’s happening around us though it has now become commercial, media will always remain significant in our society as our country is the developing nation and no nation can progress without the active support of its media.

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